6-Week Mindful Awareness Meditation Course

The Overall goal of this course is to teach you how to meditate and to help you form a deep, consistent meditation practice.  No previous meditation experience is necessary. All are welcome.

This course is beneficial for those who suffer from chronic stress, anxiety, pain, or any health challenge. It is beneficial for those who would like to improve health, wellbeing and a strong desire to live a fuller life with greater balance.  It will reignite curiosity and improve internal world awareness.  You will learn new strategies for accepting the seemingly frenetic external world.

This class is the doorway to easing anxiety, calming the nervous system, and forming new habits and ways of BE-ing. The basis of living a soulful life from the inside out is Awareness. This course teaches the building blocks to enhance your awareness which serves to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your friends & family, your co-workers, and your world!

The benefits of a consistent meditation practice:

  • Tools for living a calmer life
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Reduces emotional reactivity
  • Promotes well-being
  • Improves focused attention
  • Thickens grey matter in the areas of problem solving and empathy
  • Readjusts your nervous system to stay in the present

Course Content is Based on Two Essential Elements:

  1. Meditation – learn Mindful Mediation techniques and how to make time/space in your life
  2. Pattern Breakers & Habit Makers
  • breakdown habits that trap old ways of thinking
  • create new habits to replace the old
  • forge new and expanded pathways for exploration
  • adventure of a new heart centered way of living and being

Format of the Class Sessions:

  • Instruction in guided imagery and meditations
  • Gentle mindful movement
  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life
  • Group dialogue and small group exercises
  • Daily journal assignments
  • Weekly Meditations recorded and made accessible for daily homework
  • Information on nutrition to support brain health and awareness
  • Access to free Facebook group


6-Week Mindful Meditation Course participants (past or present) are eligible to purchase the Daily Online Meditation Course for an extreme discount of $47.00.


“I guess just the fact that if I don’t meditate now on any given day I feel like something is missing ! I feel unconnected with “me”. So thankful for this practice”



“Mine is feeling the need to meditate! It took me years to break down my mediation barriers. I am not a daily meditator but am now a regular meditator which is huge for me!”



“Being more in the now. Embracing the present moment regardless of how I feel. Being present helps me feel grounded, be more understanding, and compassionate. All things I needed. There are many more positive habits but this one has been life changing. Thanks!”



“I’m now much more aware of the things that surround me and I have learned to live in the moment and not dwell on the past. I have a much better relationship with my husband. I’m able to be open and honest even when it’s uncomfortable. I have learned to forgive and understand challenging people in my life so much better now. Most of all, I have learned to forgive myself and let go of my past. This has brought me so much peace!”



“I absolutely LOVED our group. I found that mindfulness is much simpler than I imagined. I have found that I am much kinder to more mindful/aware and myself in my everyday life, which has made a big difference in my ability to be positive for myself and others. Elizabeth is one of a kind and she will continue to be a part of my life.”



“My Favorite part about this course is realizing that I can mediate or be mindful throughout the whole day and not just when I’m meditating. I hope to continue to learn/grow and make this a regular practice. I feel like I’ve come a long way. I have a lot of work to do before I feel like I’m living out of the truly mindful/aware place I’d like to be. As Elizabeth would say “ It’s a journey and that’s why we call it a practice.”



“This course has tied up a lot of loose ends and has enabled me to trust in myself and higher powers to find the answers to my questions. I have deep appreciation for Elizabeth’s guidance and encouragement on this journey. Following the course I plan to keep writing, meditating, spreading loving kindness, mindfulness in all activities.”
