Quarterly Themed Mini-series
Each quarter I offer a themed mini-series. This is a great night of community. We meditate, journal, connect, share, and learn from one another. We explore how awareness and getting into our body is the first… always the first…step in connecting, communicating and being present to transformation.
Monthly Miniseries Themes …Providing a space for Applied Awareness…
These are light-hearted evenings that create a space and a culture to learn how to apply Breath, Awareness & Meditation. Miniseries Themes cover a broad spectrum and always reach deep into the energetics of the topic.

What to expect:
- A reminder of the expanded benefits of meditation, awareness, breathing, and journaling.
- Minienergy/intuitive readings
- We talk energy!
- Enrich your life with like-minded individuals who inspire, support, and create a sense of belonging with each other.
- Take Awareness one step further…perhaps deeper, perhaps longer, perhaps to a curiosity, known or unknown
- Tap into your inherent intuitive self through awareness
- Re-connect with your inner being through awareness.
- We learn, we meditate, we share, we journal, we connect!